Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nerf Hyperfire [4]

Hey guys Echo here and i am going to review the Nerf Hyperfire.

First off this gun is really comfortable. The nice foregrip in the front makes up for it being front heavy because you can control it easily.

Next are the ranges. I didnt officialy test ranges but stock, this gun gets at least 30 ft out of the box, which is great. I like the ranges and im not a full out modder i only mod  single shots like the sharp shot and nitefinder, and i think im gonna keep this one stock.

Potential. I dont know the mdding potential for this blaster because like i said i like the ranges and im not going to mod it. As far painting it, with a sweet paint job this gun would look sick.

I got mine for $5.91, as it was on sale at my local Kmart. If you see one of these i recomend picking one up especialy if its on sale.

Nerf Dart Tag Hyperfire Blaster with Vision Gear
Nerf Hyperfire Single pack. Comes with 10 darts and eye proteztion goggles/glasses.

Comfort 4 out of 5
Potential  ?
Power 4 out of 5
Mobility 5 out of 5
Reliability 4 out of 5
Overall 4 out of 5  [4]

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